Honda Civic Hatchback 2022 Automatic shutoff User Manual


Honda Civic Hatchback 2022 Automatic shutoff User Manual

Automatic shutoff

The CMBSTM may automatically shut itself off and the safety support indicator (amber) comes and stays on when:

  • You drive off-road or on a mountain road, or curved and winding road for an extended period.
  • Driving in bad weather (rain, fog, snow, etc.).
  • Driving with the parking brake applied.
  • The camera temperature gets too high.
  • The front of the camera is covered by dirt, fog, rain, mud, wet snow, seals, accessories, stickers, or film on the windshield.
  • An abnormal tire condition is detected (incorrect tire size, flat tire, etc.).
  • Once the conditions that caused the CMBSTM to shut off improve or are addressed (e.g., cleaning), the system comes back on.

With Little Chance of a Collision

Even if there is little chance of a collision, the CMBSTM may activate under the following conditions:

  • Your vehicle approaches or passes another vehicle that is making a left or right turn.
  • Your vehicle approaches another vehicle ahead of you and you change lanes to pass.
  • Your vehicle approaches another vehicle at an intersection, etc.
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  • When passing through a low or narrow gate at a speed well over the speed limit.
  • When there are traffic signs or structures such as guard rails are beside the road along a curve.
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  • When driving through curves, your vehicle comes to a point where the oncoming vehicle is right in front of you.Honda Civic Hatchback 2022 Automatic shutoff User Manual 03
  • When approaching stationary vehicles or walls, such as when parking.

Low Speed Braking Control

Continuously variable transmission models with parking sensor system
Using sonar sensors located on the front and rear bumpers, and the front grille, this system detects if there is danger of a potential collision with a wall or other obstacle during normal driving or when the accelerator pedal is depressed with too much force. The system then assists in avoiding collisions and reducing damage from impact through assistive braking and/or assistive driving power suppression.

The Low Speed Braking Control System cannot avoid all collisions and may not reduce damage in each situation where the accelerator is mistakenly or aggressively pressed. Overreliance on the system may result in a collision with serious injury or death. Always check your surroundings, your shift position, and your pedal use. Driver remains responsible for safely operating the vehicle.

If the Low Speed Braking Control activates in a situation where you do not want automatic brake application (such as when the vehicle is between two railroad crossing gates), simply press the brake pedal to deactivate the system and then continue to drive as intended.

How the System Works

Assistive braking
Assistive braking provides a visual and audible alert when the vehicle is moving between approximately 1 and 6 mph (2 and 10 km/h) and there is the possibility of a collision with a detected wall or other obstacles, as well as providing assistance with braking.Honda Civic Hatchback 2022 Automatic shutoff User Manual 04

If the only rear sensors are turned off using the parking sensor system, the assistive braking is not working when reversing. Turning off All Rear Sensors P. 619
For directions on the proper handling of the sonar sensors, please refer to the following page. Sonar Sensors* P. 600
The vehicle will release the brake and start moving a few seconds after the system is activated. To keep the vehicle stopped, keep the brake pedal depressed or put the transmission into (P. In order to prevent the system from activating when not needed, always turn it off during vehicle maintenance, when loading on ships, trucks, and so on, or when using a chassis dynamometer, free rollers for inspection or when washing the car in conveyor type car wash machine.

Assistive driving power suppression

When the vehicle is stopped or moving at less than 6 mph (10 km/h) and there is an obstacle such as a wall detected near the front of or back of the vehicle, if the accelerator pedal is depressed more than necessary, the system will inform you with a visual and audible alert. At the same time, the system will prevent sudden forward or backwards movement by limiting the output of the engine, then assistive braking will activate nearby the obstacle.Honda Civic Hatchback 2022 Automatic shutoff User Manual 05

Assistive driving power suppression will not activate in the following situations. When moving forward:
When on a steep slope or the shift position is in (P, (R, or (N.

When reversing:
When on a steep slope or the shift position is in a position other than (R.
If the only rear sensors are turned off using the parking sensor system, the assistive driving power suppression is not working when reversing.
Turning off All Rear Sensors P. 619

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